Who needs the gym when you have Photoshop?moreLast year, Justin Bieber's personal trainer, Patrick Nilsson, told In Touch that it was his goal for his client to "have a Marky Mark–type body: big but not too big.” His plan seemed to have work. Earlier this week, Bieber was revealed as the new face of Calvin Klein men's underwear, a gig that literally had him following in Wahlberg's bulgeprints and looking just as jacked as the former Calvin Klein model.
But not so fast. The website BreatheHeavy.com got their hands on an unretouched photo from Bieber's Calvin Klein campaign, and it tells a different story than the finished product, which shows Bieber looking like, well, an underwear model. The original photo, which the website claims it got from "someone conntected" to the shoot, depicts a much scrawnier Bieber and also reveals that the CK team went to great lengths to increase the size of his bulge. Gross.
Earlier this week, the truthseekers at TMZ revealed that Calvin Klein also added body hair to Justin Bieber's lower torso, a sentence I never thought I'd type. That post, along with BreathHeavy.com's post, are both inaccessible at the moment because of what we assume to be an overload of traffic, so good for them. Good for us all.
A video below shows his metamorphosis from regular human to super soldier.