editor’s pick: intergalactic planetary
give your nails a beastie boys makeover.
What's cooler than a robot doing the robot? Than an MCA-directed music video? Then the threat “I'll stir fry you in my wok”? Than the Beastie Boys?
Not much, guys, not much at all. But aside from dressing up in all white with a neon vest and dish-washing gloves (which has happened FYI), it's actually pretty hard to wear your “Intergalactic” Beastie love on your sleeve. Sure you could splurge on the $750 action figures of the trio in their spaceman get-ups, but if you're pinching pennies like me, that's not a totally viable an option.
Today, I met these NCLA Galaxy Nail Wraps which are like a secret note to myself about the band's dope video. Now every time I look at my fingertips I think, “when it comes to beats, well, I'm a fiend. I like my sugar with coffee and cream!” This leads to a lot of giggling to myself at my desk and a permanent smile plastered across my face–what more could you want from nail art?!
Get them here and get try them out while watching the “Intergalactic” music video above.