the best instagrams from art basel
bottoms up.
Here in NYC, it's about to get really cold out. If you live anywhere near us, chances are, you're experiencing the impending chill, too. After all, we are just a few weeks away from winter holidays like Christmas and New Year's Eve, so now is the time to freeze your buns off going to parties in the snow, freezing wind, and rain. But, if you're an art junkie, you might just have been lucky enough to head down to Miami for this year's Art Basel, where it's 80 degrees and pretty damn sunny. But since we know that most of you can't make it down to The Sunshine State, we're bringing Art Basel straight to you, in the form of epic party photos from Instagram. We’ve rounded up the best 2014 party snaps that have gone down so far—from Miley Cyrus hanging on stage with The Flaming Lips to a Barbie party that we wish we could be at every single day. Yes, these photos will either make your FOMO way worse or way better, depending on how you look at it (sorry in advance).
"Art Basel details #CoachHoliday2014 @coach" via @adelduca
bella hadid, jesse jo stark, and atlanta de cadanet taylor in a mid-DJ set freeze frame via @jessejostark
cue the rolling stones' "she's a rainbow" via @mileycyrus
oh, hey, usher and zoe kravitz (sporting your rad new hair that we're completely obsessed with). via @howuseeit
how can we get all of this transported to our home? via @china_chow
the invite via @mirandakerr
nothing like a pre-party pool sesh. via @petrafcollins
caption contest for the weirdest thing that could've been said here. via @ryanmcginleystudios
any party that involves sharpie drawings by shantell martin is the one you'll find us at. via @shantell_martin
party tip: match your outfits to the art. via @vajiajia
.....and bring on the bubbly! via @delanohotels
"Let LOVE be the reason you BREATHE- earlier today hanging around #ArtBasel with my @Coach sunnies @NylonMag #CoachHoliday2014" via @nanysklozet