Despite her large legal setback, singer Kesha has been beaming out a lot of positivity from her Instagram lately. Though she lost her request for a preliminary injunction against her former producer and alleged abuser Lukasz “Dr. Luke” Gottwald—an injunction that would have allowed her to record without him overseeeing—she’s given us a few bright moments. On top of thanking her many supporters (including Lady Gaga), Kesha recently used Instagram to let us all know she’s working on new music. Good stuff.
Today there was more goodness as she used her vast social media reach to call out her haters while looking damn good doing it. As you can see below, she simultaneously showed off her poolside flash while addressing her own history of body issues. Check it out.
Kesha has spoken about her problems with body dysmorphia and eating disorders in the past, and has turned into a bit of a champion for body positivity as the years have gone on. But right here, we’ve witnessed her best, most direct reaction to body shamers. Kesha used the rest of her weekend—apparently spent in Palm Springs, California—to demonstrate how close she is to getting her chill back…
… while wishing Lady Gaga a happy 30th birthday…
… and explaining the true meaning of Easter.
All in all, time well spent. Keep 'em coming, Kesha.