First Lady Michelle Obama dropped some serious bars with SNL star Jay Pharoah about the benefits of higher education in the inspiring rap "Go to College." The performance was done in support of her "Better Make Room" campaign and the Reach Higher initiative, both of which aim to inspire students in America to take charge of their futures by completing their education past high school by registering for professional training programs, community colleges, or four-year colleges or universities.
While this video is all a part of a College Humor skit, we see a promising career path in this FLOTUS' future if she's looking for a new industry to take charge of. This is even better than that time the First Lady competed in a push-up contest with Ellen DeGeneres. If you've been attentive on Twitter all day, you've probably scrolled past a #FlotusBars tweets. We've included a few of our favorites here. Watch the bars (and mic) drop below.