Have you ever cried so hard, you thought you might drown in your own tears? Turns out, there might be a way to profit from that sort of emotional outpouring: Artists Sam Bompas and Harry Parr are producing cocktails made out of distilled tears.
This week, Alcoholic Architecture is hosting the Bitter Tears workshop in London where the artists will extract, pasteurize, and stain teardrops from participants into bottles of bitters. Apparently, there are three types of tears: basal, reflex, and psychic. After the extraction process, which includes massage and menthol, the teardrop concoction can be tailored to the owner's preference using a variety of aromatics.
In addition to this eye opening experiment, Bompas and Parr have also brought us breathable alcohol and ornamental hair jewelry. Nothing says "I care about you" like consuming a delicious bottle of someone's freshly brewed teardrops. 'Tis the most thoughtful gift of all.
(via Grubstreet)