Vivian Girls Breakup
what you need to get you through this winter day.
The Checklist Curator:
, Executive Web Editor
The Look
Sliding Doors
Right now it's 8 degrees in New York City, so fashion really takes a backseat to function when it comes to getting dressed today...or does it? Because my personal icon for the day is Gwyneth Paltrow in
Sliding Doors--
no, not the brunette one, but the blonde one who wears turtlenecks underneath leather jackets. It's like what you wore on snow days as a kid, only all grown up and work appropriate (I swear by my Elizabeth and James leather blazer, but since it's a few seasons old you might want to check out
). You can find turtlenecks just about everywhere--they're seriously having a moment beyond 1998--but I'm eyeing
these cashmere colorblocked ones that are on sale for $39.99
The Face:
So it doesn't smell like roses or amber like all of my other lotions, but when it comes to tackling dry patches--ahem, thanks winter--no other product comes close. Oh, and it's all-natural and not scary to rub all over your skin.
The News:
Yes, there are "important" things like the SAG Awards and Grammys happening this week. But then there are also seriously important things that are worth knowing about. One of them is the civil uprising underway in Ukraine. For two months there have been protests over the government, but only in the past 24 hours have clashes led to any deaths.
Read up a bit on the background here
The Inspiration:
If you're at all like me, it's even harder to get out of bed and through the door in the morning when it's cold out. So today I'm getting a little inspiration from Lykke Li's "I Follow Rivers." Why? Because first she walks through the snow in heels--and then she goes barefoot! (
that shooting the video "was hell and heaven at the same time.") If the Swedish songstress can do it, I'll be fine bundled up in my turtleneck-leather jacket hybrid.
The Song
Vivian Girls - "Where Do You Run To"
News broke yesterday that fuzz-rock trio
Vivian Girls are calling it quits
. Considering that I spent most of my free time in 2008 seeing them play small, hole-in-the-wall "venues" deep in Brooklyn, I'm a bit bummed by the break-up. While we've still got their side projects La Sera and the Babies playing gigs (related: I can't be the only person who wished that
put out more music, can I?), let's take the morning giving their self-titled debut a spin.
The Inspiration: Lykke Li - "I Follow Rivers"
The Look: Sliding Doors
The Face: Weleda Skin Food
The Song: Vivian Girls - "Where Do You Run To"