We've Been Playing UNO Wrong And We Don't Care
The official UNO Twitter can keep its RuLeS
Right up there with politics and money, the card game UNO can ruin families, friendships, work dynamics, and relationships. People put their egos and integrity on the line when those multicolored cards come out. We also put our own spin on the rules that dictate how the game played. Cruise through different households, communities, and groups of friends, and you're sure to find as many versions of the game as there are cards in the deck.
The way to win UNO is simple: be the first person to get rid of all the cards in your hand by putting down a card of the same color and/or number as the one face up in the pile when it's your turn. You can be thwarted by action cards that can require you to instead add more cards to your hand, skip your turn, reverse the order of play, abruptly change the dominant color, or swap hands with someone else. However, different house rules (that are completely made up by players) dictate moves. It's always been that way.
Now UNO is trying, in vain, to correct us all on Twitter. For example, here they insist that, if you don't have a card to play, you simply pull one card from the deck. Everyone knows that you have to keep pulling until you get one that matches the discard pile and deal with the harsh realities of the cards you have been dealt.
They're trying to ban stacking Draw 2 and Draw 4 cards, which robs us of our right to punish our opponents.
They've even gone so far as to accuse us of cheating for not following their RuLeS.
All I know is that, if not being able to make the person to my right draw 8 is wrong, I don't want to be right. And I'm not the only one. Players online are pushing back and fighting for their right to play as they choose.