Amber Rose Cancels SlutWalk To "Protect My Energy And Peace"
Citing "Abusive" and "Toxic Personality" friends
Amber Rose won't be holding a SlutWalk—a march that aims to empower women and end victim-blaming and slut-shaming—this year, as she has for the past four years straight. Rose, who is currently pregnant with her second child, cited toxic relationships and a need to "protect my energy and peace" as her reasoning for canceling her SlutWalk in a lengthy post on Instagram.
The post, which Rose shared on Tuesday to Instagram, opens up with Rose saying that she "stopped being friends with about 20 ppl last year," because, according to her, people have stolen "jewelry and money from me, sleep with my BF's behind my back." According to her, one such "friend" called "social services on me twice (for no fucking reason) only to sue me for calling her and cursing her out."
She continues, "I'm so happy God has blessed me with a New Baby and an Amazing Man to help me through all the turmoil. That's why I've been laying so low during this pregnancy... no Toxicity will be tolerated over here only Positive vibes. Fuck fake friends and their weirdo shit."
She ends the post with the announcement that SlutWalk is canceled: "This is also why I'm not having my Slutwalk this year.... Sorry I just have to protect my energy and peace." Rose does not say whether or not she'll resume SlutWalk.
See the post, below.