it’s always cooler in french…
The Recipe for Imagining Claude Violante:
First think of what Crystal Castles sounds like... got it? Next, add a bit of Annie Lennox's vocal quality. Shake well, and you've got an idea of what Parisian born, French singer Claude Violante's solo project emulates. Her intimate, clear, and deep voice easily seeps through layers of twinkling synth frequencies, bouncy back beats, and a sea of other noise in between. Her debut self-titled EP, released April 23 via French indie label Tsunami-Addiction, is only four tracks but nothing short of a thoughtfully mixed electronic album. The first leaked single off the EP 'For You,' is a perfect example of her smooth arrangements peppered with the clear lyrics "I only have a love for you." This isn't Violante's first musical endeavor. She is also the other half of analog pop duo Haussmann, not to mention her incredible ability to produce/write remixes-obviously.
Check out 'For You' from her solo album, as well as some other mixes she's done.