Beyoncé and Eddie Vedder Sing Bob Marley’s Redemption Song
it doesn’t get much better
Earlier we showed you Beyoncé and Ed Sheeran having fun at the Global Citizen Festival with their stripped-down version of "Drunk In Love." But Bey really captured the spirit of the event when she joined Pearl Jam lead singer Eddie Vedder on the Central Park stage for a stirring rendition of Bob Marley's protest anthem, "Redemption Song."
The Global Citizen Festival is trying eradicate extreme poverty, fight climate change, and increase education for women around the world, so with lines like "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery," and "None but ourselves can free our minds," the song struck the perfect note. Midway through the performance, Beyoncé and Eddie Vedder basically started playing backup to a video recording of a Nelson Mandela speech about ending extreme poverty, making the performance that much more poignant. Check it out above.