We never do get enough Chloë Sevigny in our everyday lives, but it looks like our prayers have literally been answered. Over the weekend, the actress shared a new collaboration with L.A.-based perfume company Régime des Fleurs and Johnny Jewel from the Chromatics. Founders Alia Raza and Ezra Woods wrote the ethereal poem, which was also scored by Michel Gaubert.
We haven't exactly been skipping for joy because we were recently hit with more snow and lower temperatures on the east coast, but this jingle makes us really look forward to the spring. (How could you not warm up inside as Sevigny evocatively speaks of the gardens of paradise?) The track is more likely to put you in a trance, but will leave you feeling centered. If you needed a little spiritual guidance today, search no further—this right here is your best option.
Forthcoming versions by various artists are expected for release throughout the month of February. Listen to Sevigny's rendition of this sweet tune about delectable flowers in bloom, below!