Watch The Trailer for ‘Dark Places’ Starring Charlize Theron

shivering right now

by gabriel bell

Over three months ago, we were griping that there was no American trailer for Dark Places, the Charlize Theron murder mystery adapted from Gone Girl author Gillian Flynn’s novel of the same name. We wondered aloud if Gilles Paquet-Brenner’s movie—co-starring Nicholas Hoult, Chloë Grace Moretz, Christina Hendricks, and Corey Stoll—was ever coming out in the U.S. Did it just stink too hard, or something?

Well, stink it still might, but it certainly doesn’t look that way. Not only did we find this new, American-as-apple-pie trailer today, but learned that Dark Places will indeed hit stateside theaters on August 7, and is now on DirectTV (fancy that). Again, we’re shown that Theron will reinvestigate the murders that destroyed her family with the help of Hoult’s incredibly creepy “Kill Club”—this time around with a little more depth and a lot more darkness. Dark Places is feeling more and more like the new Gone Girl, and not just because of the literary connections.

As we just said, Dark Places hits theaters August 7 and is on DirectTV now, or were you not paying attention?