eugene mirman came to our office to give us free burgers
because he’s on ‘bob’s burgers,’ get it?!
by Ben Barna
One of my biggest regrets in life is being out of the office the day that Eugene Mirman came to Nylon to hand out free hamburgers. I regret it because like many fans of comedy, I love Eugene Mirman. I've seen him host his eponymous comedy festival in Brooklyn (it's wonderful, you should go), and as the voice of Gene Belcher on Fox's consistently hilarious animated sitcom Bob's Burgers, Mirman slays. So it hurts my heart to see him running around our Soho office with a burger in his hand, frantically looking for "Ben." In fact, it's going to haunt me for the rest of my life. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a sudden craving for a burger.