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Florence Welch Is Coming Out With A Book Of Magical Poetry

Cosmic love, indeed

by Hayden Manders

Gather around, fellow witchy humans! Supreme celestial being Florence Welch will soon release her first-ever book of poetry and lyrics. It's titled Useless Magic and will, of course, be anything but useless.

Along with lyrics and poems, Welch's own drawings and sketches will be on display. "Songs can be incredibly prophetic, like subconscious warnings or messages to myself, but I often don't know what I'm trying to say till years later," she writes in the book's preface. "[A] prediction comes true and I couldn't do anything to stop it, so it seems like a kind of useless magic."

Welch has long been keen on sharing what she's reading. Through her Between Two Books book club, Welch and her fans connect and discuss various themes, messages, and journies. This month's selection came via a recommendation from Greta Gerwig. It makes perfect sense for Welch to publish something on her own. "I have long wanted to persuade Florence to write a book, and this will be a beautiful record of her songs, a glimpse of the ideas that have inspired them, and a first look at her poetry," Juliet Annan, the publishing director of Penguin Book's Fig Tree imprint says.

How big, how beautiful next year will be. A look into the genius of Welch? Sign us up. 

Useless Magic will be available July 5, 2018.