Photo by Mark Davis/Getty Images


These Are The Best Instagrams From Coachella: Weekend 1

Wish you were here!

by dana guth

Of all the music festivals that come around each season, Coachella is one of the biggest events where celebrities and normal people can coexist in the same dusty space. Everyone is so caught up in the thrill of it all that they hardly notice when Kylie Jenner strolls by in a wig, or when Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert Pattinson dance among them. Since we were right there in the trenches, we can attest to the fact that it was truly a magical time for all that came out. 

If you're feeling Coachella withdrawal or were living that Couchella life all along, you can always vicariously relive the weekend through Instagram. All of our favorite celebs were busy posting some of the most Snap-worthy moments, because when the music stops, it seems as if the only thing left to do is update your social feeds. Digitally experience the festival's shiniest moments, like when Vanessa Hudgens went wild during Run The Jewels or when Rihanna surprised Taylor Swift with her performance.

Without further ado, click through the gallery to see the 13 best Instagram posts from Coachella.