Watch Leonie Anderson’s “Black Model Survival Kit”

preparation is key

After shedding light on the unpreparedness of makeup and hair stylists at NYFW, Leomie Anderson decided to take matters into her own hands. This weekend, the British model posted a video tutorial called "The Black Model Survival Kit" on her website. “As you may or may not know, being a black model is just extra hard. There’s extra work, there are extra things involved,” she says.

From there, she covers everything from hair and makeup to mishaps in a six-minute long segment. (Because nobody has time to look ashy on the runway.) These tips will ensure that black models everywhere are fully equipped with the tools that they need to get their job done in the event that the crew on site is not. (Which happens a lot, based on Anderson's experience in the fashion industry.)

Given the circumstances, it's unfortunate that this guide has to exist, but it will definitely be a lifesaver for the women affected. Actions speak louder than words, no? A tweet can spark a conversation, but a video can spread the message further to ignite the change. The industry has never been more exposed. Watch Anderson's informative session in the video, below.