These Mannequins Are A Step Forward For Inclusivity, But There’s Still A Big Problem With Them
Where is the body diversity?
British retailer Missguided has always challenged the fashion industry's lack of body positivity, diversity, and size-inclusivity through their incredible campaigns. Last December, the chain decided to feature un-retouched photos of models with stretch marks and cellulite for its #MakeYourMark campaign. And now, the brand is taking another step forward by not only including diverse models, but showcasing diverse mannequins.
The brand is now displaying mannequins with stretch marks, freckles, and vitiligo in two of their U.K. stores. Mannequins wearing hijabs, as well as mannequins with different ethnic backgrounds and skin tones have also been spotted in the stores as well.
And while many praised the brand for their inclusivity, others were quick to note some glaring issues: All of the mannequins are all tall, able-bodied, and thin.
"Great to see Missguided have got mannequins with freckles, stretchmarks etc but how about some which aren't a size 0 now," one Twitter user wrote.
"Where are the short mannequins or handicapped mannequins?!? #DiversityandInclusion," another added.
The non-inclusion of size diversity is a bit disappointing considering the brand's #MakeYourMark campaign celebrated women of all sizes. And while the strides they are making should definitely be celebrated, it's simply not enough to be just semi-inclusive.