editor’s pick: it’s always ourselves we find in the sea
because it’s always cheese fries you find on the boardwalk.
Growing up in New Jersey meant weekend trips to the beach (even in the winter), family vacations at the Cape, summer parties at rented houses with friends--I mean, I even took my first baby steps on the Jersey Shore. So it's totally warranted when I say that a whole lot of my life memories are on the sand by the salty water.
One of my most favorite things to do when I go home is get in my Mini Cooper (her name is Emma) and just drive with the windows down and the music way up (usually mix CDs from high school that I keep in my glove compartment--I know you know what I'm talking about). I lived about 45 minutes from the beach, and if you ask me, that's perfect road trip time. Not too far, not too close, and you always have something do when you get there; read, think, don't think, watch the sunset. And every time I get back in my car to go home, I feel like a new person. It's just like E. E. Cummings said, "…For whatever we lose (like a you or a me) it's always ourselves we find in the sea."--whatta guy.
It's pretty obvious I don't need a T-shirt to remind me of my love for the sand and water, but if you've ever been on a boardwalk, you've probably seen the hoodies with cheesy slogans that are supposed to remind people of the beach (or, you know, YOLO). It's always been a secret life mission of mine to find a way cooler replacement; something that really captured the way I see the shore. Lucky for me, I found this awesome Find Me Crop top by Spikes and Seams. It's the perfect thing to show some love for Cape May, Sea Isle, and Ocean City without giant neon words and splatter paint. Whether part of my yoga outfit, worn as bikini top cover-up, used for PJs, or just paired with high-waisted jeans, my love for the sea will go wherever I do--and you'll always know exactly where to find me.