Pharrell Dear Girl Video
listen to his love letter to girls everywhere.
Science has proven that a week cannot go by without Pharrell doing something cool/awesome/unexpected/crazy/groovy, and this week's dose of Pharrell does not disappoint.
Earlier today, Pharrell dropped a video on his Vevo called "Dear G I R L," and while it has behind-the-scenes footage from his "Marilyn Monroe video" and the song's thumping beat in the background, this vid is very different. Instead of Pharrell's falsetto crooning over guitar licks, you're going to hear him speaking a love letter to women everywhere. In just to minutes and ten seconds, Williams details his love for ladies in extreme detail, you know, from things like, "I love your mind, your heart, your body," to "I'm not like these other guys, I'm a little different and I'm definitely trying to get you to think about me as much as I think about you."
So, yeah, watch below for yourself and let us know your thoughts on Twitter and Facebook.