premiere: ula ruth “restless nights” ep
We put this one on and let it play…it’s solid all the way through…
Our first feature of 2014 was Ula Ruth's video for a smash called "Let Down" off of their new EP Restless Nights, and after hearing the first single we asked if we could get an early listen of the whole thing. After our advance listen we begged the guys to let us premiere this awesome 7 track collection of tunes, which is a solid 23 minutes of straightforward pop sensibility. Seriously, this is one of those rare records you can just let play--no need for a fast forward button, no skipped songs on this one.
There's definitely a strong '90s vibe to Restless Nights, where fuzzy guitars are paired with super clean leans and rattling bass lines. At first listen we noted a Better Than Ezra tone to singer Nick James voice, after spending time with these songs, we'll also add there's also a strong James feel as his soars over these choruses. We're voting the fourth track on the EP, "Loser[,]" a hand clapping infectious jam as the follow-up single. Have a listen and see if you agree.
To celebrate tomorrow's release of Restless Nights, the guys are playing Mercury Lounge. So not only can you listen to the entire EP a day early, you can know all of the songs if you're able to make the show. Check out more on Ula Ruth HERE and follow them on Twitter HERE