43 shows. 1 month. 1 sold-out headline tour. go!
Although it's tempting label California quintet Young the Giant as breakout artists thanks to recent hit singles like "My Body," "Cough Syrup," and an impressive Glee song cameo, these guys have been working hard for success since 2004. And needless to say, they've found it.
Link: Download free music from YTG.
To cement their newfound rockstar status, the guys are in the process of playing their first sold-out headlining (!!) tour across America. Considering they managed to cram in pinata parties, R. Kelly throwbacks, and even a hospital visit into one month, let's just say the tour is off to an exciting start. Until you can catch the road warriors in person, live vicariously through the photos below!
"A picture of us performing R. Kelly - Ignition (Remix) in fur coats at the Riviera Theater, Chicago."
"Jacob taking in the beautiful expanse of Lake Tahoe."
"Our good friend Mitchell was taking us mountain biking in Phoenix AZ. Now imagine 6 bikes in the bed of the truck along with us, while going 70mph on the freeway..."
"We had a day off in between Vancouver and Calgary and we stopped in the small town of Kamloops, BC. We all hopped on bikes on went on a beautiful ride alongside this river. As you can see it was a beautiful day."
"While in providence, RI, Francois developed a strange rash that landed him in the hospital. As you can see from the picture, the situation was dire."
"After a meet and greet with radio winners at a bowling alley, we spotted this piñata store and had to stop and buy one for the show. The idea of it was much better than the execution. Sorry, cookie monster!"
"Our half-assed attempt at recreating the last supper in some gaudy Tuscan grille. The waitresses were very confused."