In 1974, a charismatic French daredevil strung a wire between the Twin Towers under the cover night.
The next day, walked across that great void eight times over the course of 45 minutes. That man, a 24 year old named Philippe Petit, became an international celebrity overnight, but over the years his story faded from public consciousness. That changed in 2008 when Man On Wire, a documentary based on Petit's incredible feat won Best Documentary at the Oscars, reigniting our imagination and trading on nostalgia in a post-9/11 world.
In 2015, that charismatic French daredevil will be portrayed by a charismatic American actor named Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the Robert Zemeckis-directed movie, The Walk. The first trailer is here, and it's breathtaking. The movie, which also stars Ben Kingsley, Charlotte Le Bon, Ben Schwartz, and James Badge Dale, promises to explore the dramatic events leading up to Petit's walk (if you saw the documentary, it feels like a heist movie) and the fallout after it, which sees Petit enjoying his newfound fame, while those closest to him struggle with it. The Walk opens on October 25 in IMAX and 3D, and it's BYOB (Bring Your Own Barfbag)