zoe levin
From The Commons of Pensacola to Palo Alto…she’s on her way…
zoe levin
Beautiful young actress Zoe Levin is presently working onstage many afternoons and almost every night starring as the foul-mouthed teenager Lizzy in
The Commons of Pensacola
. It’s the first play written by actress Amanda Peet and the cast includes Sarah Jessica Parker and Blythe Danner. It has gotten rave reviews and is for the most part sold out. Following her stint on stage, Zoe will be appearing in the films
Beneath the Harvest Sky
Palo Alto
, which is directed by Gia Coppola and based on short stories by James Franco. The new year is looking bright for this 20-year-old stunner. Zoe took a minute to talk with us…check it out!The play has brought you to NYC to live for the first time. Can you share some observations about the city, and some of your favorite spots?
It's been the best experience living in NYC. The whole vibe of NYC is very hustle and bustle, which I personally really need in order to motivate myself. Also there are just so many different kinds of people doing all different kinds of things...I find it inspiring to just walk down the street or take the subway and people watch.
What would be your idea of a great first date?
I find it ideal when you don't really realize that you are on a "date." Probably hanging out in a group of friends or doing something low key like seeing a movie or live music- it takes the pressure off.
They say food is the way to a man’s heart. Would a guy who cooks score some points with you?
I'm such a foodie! The best part about living in New York has been going to the amazing restaurants and trying all the amazing beautiful food this city has to offer. Any guy who can whip up a meal beyond kraft mac'n cheese will know the way to my heart.
Are the certain qualities about a man that you find particularly attractive and inspiring?
It is so attractive to me when a guy is passionate about something. Being passionate is a quality that draws people to you because it's inspiring to be around, and I'm always looking for a little inspiration.
Who are some of your favorite inspiring style and beauty icons?
I tend to be inspired by the people I surround myself with. Since I've been in NYC and around Sarah Jessica Parker so much, I notice myself drawing inspiration from her. Not only is she stylish and beautiful, but she also carries herself with such grace and confidence. She is one inspiring woman!
What are you looking forward to in 2014?
I'm excited for
Beneath the Harvest Sky
Palo Alto
to be released. Other than that, I'm excited to see where the wind takes me.
-words and photos by