Today is...
Sarah Hyland's birthday, and here's how she celebrated.
News of the day:
+ Jurassic World finally has a teaser trailer (sweet), but you'll have to wait until November 27 for the full-length version (so close!).
+ Use #FullofHeart this holiday season to nominate a woman in your life who embodies what that means to you (awesome ladies like Emily Kinney, Petra Collins, and Denitia Odigie will be doing it, too) and Aritzia will donate a brick to the Cause We Care Foundation on behalf of each person who does it. (via the NYLON inbox)
+ If you live in NYC, get pumped, because H&M's fancier sister store COS, will be opening its first New York location on December 5—yay! (via the NYLON inbox)
+ It's finally confirmed that Katy Perry will be performing at the Super Bowl halftime show this year. Now all that's left to predict is who might be joining her.
+ In more Katy Perry news, the Prism popstar freaked out over some paparazzi this weekend. You go, Katy.
Deal of the Day:
Lots of people we know took the weekend to celebrate Friendsgiving, which usually marks the start of the holiday season for all of us. Urban Outfitters feels the same way, which is why their Start of the Season sale began last night. Shop 'til you drop here.
Advice of the Day:
"Don't let the haters stop you from doing your thang," - Kevin G., Mean Girls
GIF of the Day: