Harry Styles And Stevie Nicks Singing Together Makes A Strong Case For An Album
I am in tears
Harry Styles and Stevie Nicks have reunited for a couple of duets, which have singlehandedly made my heart melt. The two were performers at—where else—the Gucci Cruise 2020 show after-party on Tuesday, where they were brought onstage to perform some classic Fleetwood Mac and Nicks hits, including "Landslide" and "Stop Dragging My Heart Around."
Luckily, some attendees got videos of the performances:
"Landslide" brings on the tears anyway, but the pair's rendition has us especially deep in our feelings:
We, as well as a bunch of fans on Twitter, are calling for a full-length duet album with the two of them:
Prior to this, the two have performed together, at one of Styles' solo shows and at Nicks' induction ceremony to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It's about time that they make an album together.