
Justin Bieber Accused Of Allegedly Using The N-Word During A Fight

According to a new lawsuit

by Rebel Developer

Justin Bieber is currently facing a new lawsuit in which he is accused of threatening a man and using "racial epithets" against him during a 2016 fight in Cleveland, Ohio.

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Rodney Tobias Cannon filed a suit on Thursday accusing Bieber of threatening to harm him, as well as other "threatening communications made in public in front of a number of people" and "the use of racial epithets." According to the site's sources, it is believed that the racial epithet in question is the "n-word."

The altercation allegedly began after Cannon met Bieber outside the Westin Hotel in Cleveland. Cannon claims that Bieber "suddenly became irate" and started "aggressively threatening harm to [Cannon]" if he did not delete a photo he took of Bieber. Subsequently, things got physical. Cannon also alleges that he tried to walk away, but Bieber grabbed his shirt and hit him "with his fist…more than one time." Per the court documents, Cannon also says he was hit in the back of the head by someone he believes was Bieber's security detail.