bergamot after-shave by imperial
refresh your senses because…they need it…
It’d be nice to get a hot towel shave every time you have the slightest bit of stubble on your face. But for most of us, that’s just not going to happen. You still need to take care of that pretty face of yours, though--after all, it is the moneymaker. So let me start you off with this: Shaving isn’t over once you put the razor down. There are numerous steps. And throwing on a little after-shave is the last of them, but certainly not one that should be forgotten. Now to keep yourself from skipping that final step, you have to use a product you won’t want to forget. One like Imperial’s bergamont after-shave. The scent will refresh your face while the infused macadamia nut oil will take care of any inflamed skin and add moisture to protect your skin from post shave deterioration. Pick up a bottle HERE and you’ll wonder how you ever ended your shave with just a simple splash of water.