prepare to kiss writer’s block goodbye forever.
It doesn't matter if it's the English Lit final or scribbling in your journal. It's a fact: writer's block sucks. But we've found a way to beat the annoying feeling of having nothing to say....and the best part is, it doesn't involve sitting in front of a blank computer screen for hours.
Check out 642 Things to Write About, the new book aimed to jumpstart all your creative juices. Conceived by the San Francisco Writers' Grotto (a group of local filmmakers, poets, and journalists), the pages have different prompts and space to jot down what you think with a good old fashioned pencil- no laptop needed.
You can pre-order the book right now on Amazon, but get a sneak peek of our favorite exercises below.
Write down the name of a person who haunts you from the grave, a person who fascinates you, and a person you don't understand. Put them together in a scene.
Describe your bedroom from the point of view of a stranger forced to occupy it for a week.
Come up with every possible way to describe something as "red" without using the word itself.
Only ten people will fit in the life raft. Convince the captain of the boat that you should be one of them.
Rewrite your college application essay from today's point of view, answering the last question: "Is there anything else we should know?"