book club: the year ahead 2011
your mercury’s in retrograde for how long?!
If you're not familiar with astrologist Susan Miller, and her insanely popular website AstrologyZone.com, you've either been hiding under a rock or you're just not that into rising signs.
For the rest of us, the first of the month means one thing and one thing only: Your new online forecast is up, along with your lucky (and least lucky) days.
So when first hearing about Ms. Miller's latest book The Year Ahead 2011, we responded with an enthusiastic, “yes, please!” We now have the book in our possession, and we're going to give it to you straight.
The upside: As with her beloved monthly breakdowns, Miller's paperback is clear and concise, providing each sign with an organized analysis of what's to come in the next twelve months.
The downside: Why buy it when you can just read your monthly horoscopes for free online?
It's a fair point, so we'll concede Miller's book is a necessary purchase for the horoscope obsessed. But even if you don't consider one of those, we guarantee this book will be a big hit on your coffee table.