chalk it up
we test out bumble & bumble’s new spray hair chalk.
Most of the NYLON digital team has dark hair, meaning we don't get to experiment with color very easily and might get a little grumpy when our blonde colleagues show up with green or neon yellow locks.
Bumble & Bumble came to the rescue of the dark haired guys and gals everywhere with their new SprayChalk, a simple and bright way to turn your brown hair into mint green in just seconds. OK, so it's also great for blondes and gingers, but it will definitely have the largest impact on the previously excluded-from-the-color-club group of raven haired peeps.
I attended an event last night at Bumble & Bumble's Downtown Salon where the pros showed me how to DIY my own color, and trust me, it's easy. First a stylist applied Pret-a-Powder, a dry shampoo-meets-volumizer, to my hair to give it a little beachy texture. Then, he separated out strips, and placed them over an index card where he sprayed from root to tip, and let it dry for a couple of seconds before placing the piece back in with the rest of my hair. After about five minutes of spraying, I was done! And, yes, I looked like Gem and it was awesome. A quick shampoo at night send the color packing too, returning me to by (boring) brown hair this morning.
The rest of the staff got in on the color action this morning, too, though. Here's how we got our colorful locks, but be sure to check out Bumble & Bumble's amazing 'dos in the gallery.
For subtle streaks:
Executive Web Editor Rebecca Willa Davis just sprayed the lavender right on to her hair in a verticle motion to create streak on each side. No fuss necessary!
For ombre tips:
Our daring intern, Rachel Perlman, added some ombre to her ends by spraying blush in the middle of her hair, lavender over the blush and lower towards the bottom, and cobalt at the tips.
For a rainbow ponytail:
Associate Web Editor Steff Yotka got streaks added to her high ponytail with separating out bits of her pony and spraying the hell out of them with the blue color.
For a two-tone braid:
Senior Web Editor Liza Darwin opted to go green by making two mint streaks in her hair and then braiding it together for a peek-a-boo mint look.
For a gradient from roots to tip:
Liz Riccardi, our Digital Design Director, was the most daring of the bunch. She parted her hair on the left, sprayed her roots with cobalt, and then misted her tips in mint for a little ombre action.
Buy one or all of the colors at Bumble & Bumble's online shop for $19 a pop, and go rainbow!
Lavender, Blush, Cobalt, or Mint... how can a girl choose!?