
editor’s pick: sticky fingers

how to have a doughnut every day

by jackie yaeger

If it were up to me, I would have doughnuts every day, for breakfast, for lunch, for dessert--I mean they are just so perfect; from the Cookies & Cream flavor at Philly's Federal Donuts, to the Peppermint Patty doughnut at Fractured Prune, to the classic Butter Pecan Crunch at Pies'n'Thighs in Williamsburg, NY, I just can't get enough. Then, you've got the Bacon 182 at LA's Donut Friend, the PB&J at Gourdough's in Austin, I mean come on. And while eating a doughnut every day is one way to show my love for the fried pastry smothered in sugar, I do have to face my addiction at some point. The next best thing? Wearing my heart on my sleeve, or in this case, my doughnut on my finger, by rocking this Doughnut Ring by Miss Wax.

My favorite part about the sweet piece, is that it's not as small as your average doughnut ring. Even though it's not actual-sized (a doughnut ring his big might actually create a few issues throughout the day), it's still big enough to tell the world, "Hey, my name is Jackie and I'm obsessed with doughnuts, let's go eat some together."

Just in case you're interested in becoming part of my unofficial doughnut club, you can go scoop up the treat in the NYLON Shop and, as your initiation, see if you can't write a few paragraphs yourself that use the word doughnut more times than I have here (because that's just how much I love them).

Anyone else's school notebooks have doughnuts with hearts around them?




photo via federal donuts on facebook
photo via fractured prune on facebook
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photo via @piesnthighs on instagram