face moisturizer and beard conditioner by stubble & $1’stache
Soften your beard and face…
Whether you have a beard, some scruff, or keep it clean, you have to take care of your face and whatever hair you may find on it. But instead of having a different product for the diverse stages of facial hair you’ll find yourself flaunting, one reliable moisturizer should be enough. Formulated with botanicals, vitamins, and antioxidants, the stubble & ‘stache creation conditions the beard and reduces itch and irritation while adding moisture and hydration to your face and neck. In addition, the formula will reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles and make for a softer, easier shave as your whiskers begin to bud. Buy the product HERE. Not only will you be helping out your appearance, but a portion of the profits go to supporting wounded heroes as they set out on the road to recovery.