first look: 424 spring campaign
Black and White and Rad all over…
First Look: 424 Spring Campaign
I've got a big thing for Anton Corbijn photography. Something about black and white photos and the right silhouette looks so clean. The truth is (and I know from experience) this imagery comes off as simple, but it's pretty tricky to do right and even harder to do amazingly. I guess this is the reason so many of the iconic images throughout history are these captivating black and white photos--after all, isn't this where photography started?
I've spent a couple days with the new 424's Spring '14 campaign, looking though it and finding all of the different little details, and I really love it. When
reached out to discuss this new collection, designed by
, I was really surprised at how much we were on the same page aesthetically.
The campaign was shot by
and stars
, who has an ill 50/50 hair color that couldn't be more perfect. The lightweight, oversized clothing is a departure from the current print-laden trend and offers a refreshing focus on design. Here's what Andrade had to say about the origin of the minimal prints that show up here and there:
"I was speaking with my brother, who was deported to Guatemala a few years ago. Sitting at my computer on Google, I decided to look up the neighborhood he is staying in, and it really made me feel close to him. Being able to see what part of the planet he’s in brought me peace. The overhead shot of the city really captured me. Not only did I see where my brother was, I also got to see this city, and all of these other people that live there. It's very humbling to see just how big the world actually is, and how small/ available the internet has made it.I chose places that inspire me. When you type the locations into Google you get a close look at that location. I was able to create the artwork with the use of my iPhone. I chose Google earth because it is an app that's available to everyone. This is where the DIY punk influence comes into play, just download Google earth, find your place on the planet, type your location on top of the image, get some clear floss or thread, and stitch it onto your jacket. This is that community feel that our culture has lost so much of. I want to bring back that sense of pride in your surroundings as well individuality. Words like “rare,” “exclusive,” “limited,” etc. mean nothing anymore. Personalized is best."
I identify strongly with the designer's inspiration, as I have family members strewn across the globe. There isn't a piece in this collection I wouldn't wear, but the long coats and oversized fedora are my favorite. I sincerely love everything about the direction these guys are going in.
Shop the collection via FourTwoFouronFairfax
, follow the brand on Twitter
or stop by the store at--you guessed it--424 North Fairfax Avenue the next time you're in in Los Angeles.