While everyone around you is freaking out about buying presents, you just can't be bothered. You'd rather lounge about and explore the deepest, darkest corners of Netflix. And you know what? You're totally entitled to do that. But—there's always a but—you totally can do that while picking up some thoughtful presents for your friends, who also prefer to lay about.
The key to getting it all done in a quick, efficient manner is to pick gifts that you know your friend will love, but will also be so touched by it they treasure you and their new accessories forever. Opt for odd little trinkets and comfy items that play into nostalgia and pampering, or gifts that give your friend an excuse to stay in on a Friday night.
Ahead, gifts made for lazy girls, curated by lazy girls.
Contrary to popular belief, socks are actually one of the most useful presents a person can ever receive. Pick one with a cute print or embellishment and they instantly upgrade the most mundane of outfits; so, you know, your friend will seem like she put more effort into her look.
Mira Mikati, Socks With Patches, $45, available at shopbop.com.
Not only do temporary tattoos play into nostalgia, but they also come and go so quickly—much like the thought you put into this gift and the time your friend spends applying them.
INKED by Dani, Exclusive Collab Temporary Tattoo, $12.99, available at shop.nylon.com.
The coolest jacket silhouette of the year is, hands down, the bomber. This one from Vans is both incredibly warm and adds a major style element to any outfit. Personalize it with your friend's name and they'll believe you took a lot of time and energy thinking about what to get them. We know the truth, but we won't tell.
Vans, Boom Boom Jacket, $89.50, available at vans.com.
The sheet mask is, perhaps, the lazy girl's best friend. Not only does it do all the work for you, but there's no cleanup required. After leaving it on and lounging for 20 minutes, you just peel it off and massage the excess serum into your skin. It's that easy.
Dr. Jart+, Water Replenishment Cotton Sheet Mask, $7.50, available at sephora.com.
Not many things are more universally loved than a massive wrap jacket. It's excessively comfortable, easy to wear, and also versatile.
Capulet, Wrap Jacket In Red Plaid, $266, available at revolveclothing.com.
Every girl loves Glossier, and their limited edition mask duo set—which looks like a box of candy—is the perfect gift to give to your friend who loves staying in. We suggest you order a few of these and stockpile them for gifts.
Glossier, Mask Duo Set, $38, available at glossier.com.
Not only is Twin Peaks one of those shows that everyone loves, but it's also one of those shows that makes people feel unique for watching it. Give your friend a coloring book (a.k.a. the perfect excuse to stay at home) filled with images from the series, and she'll feel like you put a ton of thought and energy into finding a personalized present. Little do they know that you have a stack of these in your evergreen gift pile...
Estelle Morris Shop, Twin Peaks Zine Coloring Book, $9.19, available at etsy.com.
There's really nothing more lazy and majestic than a unicorn onesie.
Kigurumi, blue unicorn onesie, $59.99, available at shop.nylon.com.
Gift sets are, perhaps, the best thing a lazy girl could ever receive. Not only does it eliminate having to pick up multiple products (and thinking about what products are best), but it also forces you to try new products that you might have never tried otherwise. Everyone loves bumble and bumble, and their products help cut down the time that you spend getting ready every morning, so get your friend this best seller's kit, which is, like, the best gift set there is.
bumble and bumble, Bestsellers Kit, $120, available at sephora.com.
Everyone needs a scarf, and everyone loves shiny things. Gift someone a metallic scarf and not only will they treasure it forever, but they may just find themselves mesmerized by the way it hits the light and entranced by your thoughtfulness.
& Other Stories, Gradient Metallic Wool Blend Scarf, $85, available at stories.com.
Everybody has dealt with their fair share of fuccbois/fuckboys, and a large handful of the human population's new years resolution will be to eliminate fuccbois/fuckboys from their lives entirely. Whether or not they succeed is on them, but know that your present to them will not only be extremely appropriate and funny, but also may just save them from falling into an unhealthy, Supreme-filled relationship.
YesStitchYes, No Fuckboys Hand-Stitched Embroidery Hoop Art, $22, available at etsy.com.
There's nothing like curling up on the couch with a good book and a candle burning next to you. You get it. Your friend gets it. So get them a chic, universally adored fragrance and call it a day. Maybe add a book in there if you feel so inclined. (Hit the next slide to see our suggestion.)
Diptyque, Figuier Candle, $32.00, available at diptyqueparis.com.
Not only is the Rookie crew inclusive, but they also produce some pretty stellar content that everyone has experienced at one point or another. Your friend will love it, as does pretty much anyone who has picked it up, so it's a no-brainer.
Rookie, Rookie Yearbook Four, $29.95, available at rookiemag.com.
Everyone loves young Leo. He was an icon. Present day Leo still is. Not only will your friend be absolutely obsessed and entranced by this tiny enamel gem, but she'll probably also feel inclined to pin it on her No Fuckboy cross stitch.
Rosehound Apparel, '90s Leonardo DiCaprio Pin, $6, available at rosehoundapparel.com.
Meet the comfiest, '90s-inspired dress you'll ever find and your friend will ever wear. Stay cozy.
Lazy Oaf, Eye Furface Dress, $101.27, available at lazyoaf.com.