Meet The New Miley Cyrus, Which Is Also The Old Miley Cyrus
miley looks back on miley.
At 23, Miley Cyrus has already cycled through many versions of herself, many lives, many hairs. There’s this Miley, and that Miley. Oh, and who could forget this Miley right over here? So many Mileys. And, yet, there is only one Miley.
For instance, Cyrus unveiled a newish Miley recently with this simple, cute haircut. It’s certainly not Old Miley. Still, it’s a little more relaxed and sleek than another Miley. Check it out.
Nice, right?
More than that though, Cyrus has been holding forth on the many Mileys she has been and still is via Instagram. First off, she posted the photo below of her as a tween with the caption, “I miss the old Miley lol lol lol lol lol #nofilter #prefilter #posttan”.
One could interpret that as Cyrus missing her old self (a 23-year-old is by no means too young pine for simpler days). Certainly, some are taking it that way.
More likely, though, Cyrus is trolling those who say they prefer Hannah Montana Miley to Dead Petz Miley. Indeed, the Instagrams from New Miley (which is actually Older Miley) below contain some tough messages for Old Miley (which is actually Younger Miley).
Ouch. Another Instagram sums up the contradiction in preferring Old Miley to New Miley.
And, yet, Cyrus seems to have some love for Old, Old Miley (that is, Young, Young Miley).
Mood, indeed, and actually a bit closer to Cyrus' brand-new look than her “clementine” days. But then, as said above, there is only Miley, and it contains Mileytudes.