This Is How NYLON Does Coachella
You can party at our coachella-ella-ella-eh-eh
Another Coachella has come and it has gone. Disclosure slayed, Kesha returned, and Rihanna reunited with Calvin Harris, but in between all of that, we were playing host to two epic parties. After the festival's lights turned off on Friday, April 15, the music was just beginning to bump at our Midnight Garden Party. (Thanks, Soko! Thanks, A-TRAK!) Come 3am, Skrillex showed up and shut the party down with a surprise set. With a Saturday filled with catching Of Monsters and Men and dancing to RÜFÜS DU SOL until day two wrapped, we were in dire need of recovery. Good thing our Sunday brunch was on the docket for the next day. An afternoon spent lounging in the pool, nursing juices with a little hair of the dog while LION BABE performed was just what we needed before a long flight home.
We'll leave you with these pictures to relive, remember, and possibly refresh. We've got dust to clean off our Dr. Martens and another festival to get ready for.
Braid bar, anyone?
Photo booths for all.
Life is a DJ.
No pink, you stink.
Oh hey!
Slay, Jessi Malay.
Copping this Coachella style for next year.
Beach looks to try.
Peace up.
Why rock a flower crown when you can rock flower shades?
Three's company.
When at Coachella, rock body art.
Pose between throws.
Recovery never looked so good.
That. Hair.
The squad's gotten bigger.
Adult snow cones.
Oh look! It's NYLON's staff writer, Hayden Manders, and vice president of digital, Leila Brillson!