enter the rumbatime x nylon giveaway
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After seasons of endless arm parties and bulky hardware dominating the accessory scene, it seemed as if we were doomed to a daily wrist-stacking dilemma. To mix metals, chains with bright woven bracelets, and beads? Watch or no watch? It's a lot to devote ten minutes to perfecting the perfect combo every morning, not to mention the time involved with untangling masses of bracelets from the deep, dark depths of bags.
New York-based watch brand Rumbatime's newest model, "Nolita" (appropriately named after one of our favorite Manhattan 'hoods), solves the aforementioned problem. It's bracelet and timepiece—all in a punchy print. The vintage patterned strap is subtle enough to mix and match with bolder spring patterns and comfortable enough to keep on through the workday. We're giving you the chance to win one of three Nolitas below and take back your 10 minutes. Time waits for no one, so go ahead and enter!
More Rumbatime styles on NYLONshop here.
See official rules here.