

if penny lane had a website…

by ali hoffman

Confession: When our intern Katherine first told us about the music site


, we didn't immediately log in and sign-up.

Why? Well, to be honest, we hear of cool, new sites everyday, and who wants to spend their whole day creating usernames and passwords?

But now, having just joined songkick, we're kicking ourselves for not signing up sooner.

Here's what makes it so good: Basically, it's Tivo for live music. After selecting your favorite artists and bands, as well as your current location, it creates a personal calendar of all upcoming concerts you won't want to miss.   Next, it recommends bands you might like / forgot to add yourself.

Now, here's where it goes a step further: the gigography, which is basically an online scrapbook of all the gigs you've attended.  Want to upload photos of a show? Well, you can.  Forgot to bring a camera? No big, you can check out other people's pics from the night.

The best part: It's totally free. So, in the words of Penny Lane, “We are not Groupies. Groupies sleep with rockstars because they want to be near someone famous. We are here because of the music, we inspire the music. We are Band Aids.”

Sign Up Here!