
sparks fly

deborah lippmann’s new polish is glitter for grown-ups.

by liza darwin

Fact: when you work in an office where dozens (hundreds?) of nail polish shades are floating around at any given time, you're bound to develop manicure ADD.

Our latest flavor of the week? Courtesy of Deborah Lippmann, "Glitter in the Air" is a fun mash-up of milky sky blue base and specks of light-colored sparkles.

The ideal combination of neutral and flash, the color is subtle, versatile, and just plain pretty. It's so pretty, in fact, that immediately after I put it on my nails Faran snagged the shade for herself. And while one coat will give you a super-sheer effect, we both preferred multiple layers to really catch the glimmering confetti in the light.

Now that the sun's finally here to stay, it's the perfect color to wear as we slide into Spring. Well, until next week, anyway.

Buy it here.