Photographed by RPB Studio


tanlines song or nail-polish name?

surprisingly hard to tell

by nylon

Whoever comes up with nail-polish names could be a song-title editor—and vice versa. The more poetic, the better. Some bands keep the song titles simple, while others, like Tanlines, let its song titles tell a story, in and of itself. And as one final hurrah before the boys’ final stop on the Original Penguin x Nylon Guys Summer Music Tour, we wanted to play a game: Tanlines song or nail polish? We present a phrase, you guess whether it’s a song or quirky nail-polish name. The answer is on the next slide. Bonne chance!

Round 1: Across The Universe

Answer: Nail polish

Round 2: Three Trees

Deborah Lippmann, Across The Universe, $20, available at

Photographed by RPB Studio

Answer: Song—Listen here!

Round 3: Yes Way

Photographed by RPB Studio

Answer: Song—Listen here!

Round 4: Topless and Barefoot

Answer: Nail polish

Round 5: Darling Dreamer

Essie, Topless and Barefood, $8.50, available at

Photographed by RPB Studio

Answer: Song—Listen here!

Round 6: Gobsmacked

Answer: Nail polish

Round 7: Starter Wife

butterLondon, Gobsmacked, $15, available at

Answer: Nail polish

Round 8: Quiet Time

Essie, Starter Wife, $8.50, available at

Answer: Nail polish

Round 9: Bad Situations

M.A.C., Quiet Time, $12, available at

Photographed by Laura June Kirsch

Answer: Song—Listen here!

Round 10: Slipping Away

Photographed by RPB Studio

Answer: Song—Listen here!