trace by activereplay
Track, compete, and share…
A movement in action sports is much more sophisticated and complicated than that of a runner or a cyclist. But that doesn’t mean that athletes on a skateboard, surfboard, or snowboard shouldn’t be able to track their activity and monitor their progress, too. Because when you finally have that amazing session in any realm of athletics, you should see just exactly how you did it - not just fantasize about it happening again. And with the latest Kickstarter campaign from ActiveReplay, the Trace could make this all a reality. A device no bigger than a Reese’s Peanut Butter cup, this gadget will make action sports measureable, shareable, and comparable by using specific algorithms that calculate speed, distance, jump height, and rotation. It records every session you have once it’s attached to your board or helmet; from there, all your stats will be sent to your phone through a free downloadable app. Watch the video below and back the campaign HERE, and soon enough, a historic day at the skate park, in the ocean, or on a mountain will be more than just a story to be told.