Your Friends Are Now Uber Destinations

Share your location, bruh

by Hayden Manders

In premiere season of GIRLS, Marnie tells Hannah to drop a pin so she can pick her up after a not-so-fun Brooklyn warehouse party. It became an unlikely Thing because, at the time, no one really understood what that meant; it was too techy to handle. Now, however, sharing your location via your smartphone's GPS is second nature. Uber is capitalizing on that with its new update that's being marketed as "making people your destination." 

The intent is admirable. Why bother going back and forth with the friend(s) you're meeting up with on addresses when they can simply share their location through Uber and be done with it? Boom. Easy. That, however, may rub some people the wrong way because not only are you giving Uber access to your contacts list, but you're essentially asking your friend to let Uber tap into their phone's GPS. That can seem like an invasion of privacy with all the news surrounding some Uber users' whereabouts being tracked even after they get dropped off. The app affirms that the address is a one-time deal. Your platonic destination has half an hour to accept your invite and must remain there because Uber will not follow your friend's GPS. 

In addition to the new Find Your Friends feature, Uber has joined forces with Snapchat to allow users to send Snaps directly from the Uber app. There is a selection of Uber-centric filters, like one that lists your ETA, which is neat if you're into Snapchatting from the backseat. Pop, lock, and drop pin it.