
take note

make like margot with these wes anderson notebooks.

by liza darwin

If you've seen Wes Anderson movies, then you know that the writer and director likes consistency. Sure, his plots may vary--but certain aspects, like the actors (Gwyneth Paltrow, Bill Murray, the Wilson Brothers...) and particular motifs (hotels, dysfunctional families, and childhood) always remain the same. These quirks and themes and Wes Anderson-isms? Yeah, that's exactly we love him.

We already scored a piece of Anderson in the The Wes Anderson Collection coffee table book (not to mention, in his new movie The Grand Budapest Hotelbut thanks to our latest discovery, we can write part of the story ourselves. These awesome notebooks are inspired by the ones seen in The Royal Tenenbaums and Moonrise Kingdom. Printed with the same covers you'll remember from the movies, each set of four costs just $30--and unlike Margot and Suzy, no neuroses required.

So until we find that perfect coat, this is probably as close to Margot Tenenbaum as we're going to get. And we're OK with that. 

Get your creative juices flowing and buy the Wes Anderson notebooks here.