stream oh land with copenhagen philharmonic, right now!
electro orchestra
Seventy piece orchestra. Sixty minutes of musical nirvana. No, this is not your mind's interpretation of Nicki Minaj's newest video on a crazy trip, this is today's reality—thanks to Oh Land. Tune into DR (think Denmark's very own Radio 1), at 3 P.M. EST to catch the livestream of Nanna getting both classic and electronic.
At age 29, Nanna Øland Fabricius, the brains and beauty behind Oh Land, released her first album after a career-ending ballet injury. Several albums later and a stage shared with the likes of Sia and Katy Perry, Nanna is ready to take on music in a much grander way:
"I've been working the past half year on arranging my music for symphony orchestra with my dad who is a composer. These concerts are sort of like returning to my roots and my musical background which was completely classical. I always felt like I didn’t completely fit in to the family by not becoming a classical musician like them and now I am bringing my music into their world and mixing the two. It's super exciting and completely overwhelming standing on stage with a back up band of 100 people. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that me and my band are completely thrilled about."
Stream it now, thank the universe it is Friday, and get spiritual with it.