In Bed With Us, Episode 3: Saying “I Love You”

Our New Series, Featuring Couples Where They’re Most Intimate—In Bed.

by Gabrielle Korn

The bed: It’s where you sleep, dream, and have sex. It’s where you and your per­son whis­per and cud­dle, and for many, it’s a place of ex­treme vul­ner­a­bil­ity, hon­esty, and truth. So, we de­cided that for our se­ries that takes an in­ti­mate look at re­la­tion­ships, we wanted to see what would hap­pen when we took cou­ples, put them in bed, and filmed them talk­ing about them­selves. What’s more in­ti­mate than that?

For our third episode, we asked the cou­ples to talk about a tender sub­ject: saying the words “I love you,” from who said it first to what, if anything, changed once the feelings were out there.

Want more? Take a look at last week’s episode where we asked cou­ples to talk about cheating—plus our first episode about what makes their relationships work