This New Brand Is About To Make Mascara Wands Disability-Friendly
It plans to expand to other types of makeup, too
Grace, a new disability-friendly beauty brand, has debuted a line of mascara wand add-ons to make the product accessible to all.
"Anyone, regardless of ability, should be able to use any beauty product they want to," reads a statement on the site. "To help this cause, we're making accessories for people with disabilities." Each of the three wand extensions offers something different and retails for only £8 (about $10.45).
Square Grip, according to the brand's Instagram, "attaches to both side of your mascara to make it easy to open, hold and control in a discrete package." The Safe Grip, a bulbous attachment, "gives a wide angled grip and ensures better control," and is made of a rubbery material to ensure grip. The Ring Grip is exactly as it sounds, a round ring-shaped handle to loop your finger through, to take the pressure off holding the wand.
The wands are first set to ship on June 3 but are available for pre-order now, and users can sign up to be a part of the Grace community to have a chance to receive prototypes and give feedback on the designs.
Check out Grace's first product offering, below.
Grace, The Safe Grip, $10.45, available at Grace.
Grace, The Square Grip, $10.45, available at Grace.
Grace, The Ring Grip, $10.45, available at Grace.